Situation: Idealist policy makers live in ivory tower, the working class lives on the land. Idealists debate policy and make decisions based on status within the tower.
Solution: eliminate the buffer between reality and the elite by forcing the Idealists out into the practical world, so that each policy choice gives direct feedback.
Sometimes an eagle eye view can spark novel understanding. Most things though are best understood from up close with maximum responsibility, without the luxurious, safe and decadent buffer of distance. You have to be right against it, to smell it, to be fully immersed in it. Complete immersion in the reality of a thing solves many misconceptions really quick. Earning and paying for something oneself gives it value. The opposite is gambling with assets not your own, driving a carjacked vehicle, or social experiments done in someone else's neighbourhood.
Knowing is achieved by doing. Outside knowledge is not knowledge, it is noise, assumption and miscomprehension. To embody experience is to internalize, to make reality into emotion, to learn INSIDE. This is where Idealists go wrong: they think that OUTSIDE, ABSTRACT Ideals are the ultimate reality, and that detrimental effects on reality must be ignored, because to them the REAL WORLD is nothing compared to the abstract, to ideology.
Ideology is an euphemism for systematic lying, suppression of non-supporting facts, suppression of dissenting views, suppression of non-conforming thoughts.
Truth is just the way things are. Truth is not that which does not offend. Truth is not that which is socially acceptable in some time and place. Ideology mutates and dies as fashions die, but an understanding of reality is an "always accepted currency". Truth is just what IS. Realism is the art and science of what is possible. Idealism is the ANTI-IS.
Idealists spend their lives in cocoons of ANTI-REALITY. Their "truth antenna" has atrophied as a self-preservation mechanism in order to deal with their betrayal of civilization. They can no longer recognize the truth. When an Idealist sees truth for a moment, their mind-control kicks in. "I should not think that, that is heresy."
Civilizations are insulation against reality. The ability to build civilization is the twin of the inability to view reality as it really is. That is the reason for the slide into barbarism, because fundamentals are forgotten or are actively demonized. Fundamentals such as: every group or network is as good as the quality of people in it; everything else is secondary. And then everything starts degrading. Slowly in most places, but noticeable for those with common sense, that can come to the realisation that our civilization has started collapsing.