
The Human Property of Doublethink

A Realist is born once and dies once. An Idealist is born and reborn with every brainwashing cycle, and dies every day that he ignores what is true. If you ignore what is true, you are killing yourself.

Humans have the inescapable property of doublethink. If humans would not posses doublethink, they would not be able to kill animals for food, which is acting in favor of (their own) life, and against (other) life. Without doublethink, we would procreate too little, because we would weigh the pros and cons of giving our energy and time up and trading temporary pleasure for a future of crapping babies, sleepless nights and nagging womenfolk.
We would not be around if we would be able to contemplate and would contemplate the evils of existence, the implications of our actions, or the (seeming) meaninglessness of life.
Doublethink is in a measure necessary for mental health. Soberness is no fun, and bliss come from being safely enveloped in doublethink.

In fact, animals also practice double think, although it is not thought, but pure instinct. The primal doublethink is: I want to eat others, but no to be eaten myself. This is the primal hypocrisy of life. It is natural, because the more primitive a being, the more it is interested only in itself or only in its own kind, and is less able to imagine the emotions of another living being.

The primal doublethink is overcome by the fact that groups of animals/hunters are far more effective than any individual animal or hunter. This is shown even in the animal realm, where packs of hunters are extremely effective.

The problem with doublethink is the long-term destructive effect on any non-primitive civilization. Doublethink is nurtured and imposed in societies based on domination of many by the few. Doublethink is being able to see reality and do the necessary in order to survive or dominate, but say the opposite of what is real, in order for the central myth to keep existing (and by it, the justification for the rule of some).
The thing is that the useful aspects of double think are practiced by a small minority of specialists, and the negative effects are unconsciously practiced by the majority. This leads to the collapse of society and civilization, because truths essential to progress are ignored. Domination elites always tell themselves that they will be able to achieve a stable stagnation, with themselves on top. It turns out that civilizations can either progress or collapse, never really stagnate. This stems from certain truths about group dynamics.
One such truth, that any simple mind can understand, is that a civilization cannot endure if its intelligent and moral do not procreate, while its barely civilized massed procreate like there is no tomorrow (pun intended). Either the civilization will be conquered from outside, peacefully or violently, or it will collapse upon itself. This simple truth is of course hated and screamed against by Idealists, who on a level realize it is true, realize its implications, and realize that the power structure forbids this truth.

The cycle of progress-stagnation-collapse-progress goes on until doublethink is overcome, until the powers that seek pure domination without any long-term moral purpose are overthrown by those that realize the implications of the cycle.
The first societies to leave the scarcity principles behind that domination elites desperately NEED break the negative cycle. These new societies are able to make such insanely fast progress that societies still within the cycle are left far behind (and of course viciously attack the new society with everything they have in order to keep the old power structure).
History should be a path of linear progress. It is a negative cycle progress-stagnation-collapse-progress. The domination elites that keep the cycle going, running civilizations into the ground demand that all believe in linear progress. Those who realize what the situation is and what must be done act to bring about linear progress by pointing out the negative cycle. The cosmic spectacle of doublethink is pretty awesome, don't you think?

The scarcity mindset is a primitive trait that is shown as false and unnecessary by the true wonders of progress. Computer chip technology is able to do more calculation, transmission and storage with less matter and energy at an INCREASING RATE. The manipulation of minuscule genes is able to affect an IMMENSELY LARGER biological universe. A tiny mathematical elite is able to prove truths that VASTLY improve the efficiency and effectiveness of countless technologies all over the world. We have seen progress in the last few hundred years that dwarf before ages, and have the Domination Elites of Doublethink scared to death. They are scared to death because they cannot exist in the spiritual mindset of true progress. They would have to change and sacrifice their power, but they have locked themselves into a doublethink/scarcity consensus trance without possibility of change in order to dominate negative cycle societies. Oops!