Idealist: We live in a wonderfull free state, where all are equal, and every one can be all they can be.
Realist: Can we get our money back when the policies of politicians fail?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we either deal juistice impartially to all, or all receive "diplomatic immunity"?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we ensure that the value of our labour is carried over to our descendants, and not destroyed by inflation, boom-bust cycles, speculation and raiding of funds?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we have full free speech, even if those in power do not like it?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we get political views published that do not adhere to the ideology of the state?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we publish statistics on changes in population, and crime levels?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we carry out genetical and archeological research in order to view the past from different perspectives?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we decide what our taxes are spent on?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we decide whether we go to war or not, so that we are not forced to be complicit?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we know as much about our rulers as they know about us through modern tracking technology?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we have our freedom of association, and not be forced into situations with people that we do not approve of?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we admit that we live in tyranny masquerading as freedom?
Idealist: No.