
De Facto

Idealist: We live in a wonderfull free state, where all are equal, and every one can be all they can be.
Realist: Can we get our money back when the policies of politicians fail?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we either deal juistice impartially to all, or all receive "diplomatic immunity"?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we ensure that the value of our labour is carried over to our descendants, and not destroyed by inflation, boom-bust cycles, speculation and raiding of funds?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we have full free speech, even if those in power do not like it?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we get political views published that do not adhere to the ideology of the state?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we publish statistics on changes in population, and crime levels?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we carry out genetical and archeological research in order to view the past from different perspectives?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we decide what our taxes are spent on?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we decide whether we go to war or not, so that we are not forced to be complicit?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we know as much about our rulers as they know about us through modern tracking technology?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we have our freedom of association, and not be forced into situations with people that we do not approve of?
Idealist: No.
Realist: Can we admit that we live in tyranny masquerading as freedom?
Idealist: No.


The Only Capital

...is human capital

And the way to show that is by considering voting as opposed to investing.

Everyone has an opinion, which in a democracy translates into a vote on what groups should govern. But how can voters with their opinions be linked directly to the physical effect of what they vote for?
Voting is nice, but it is cheap, open to manipulation and devoid of responsibility. What if instead of the vote citizens would choose what to invest their life savings in? What would people choose for if it meant increasing or squandering the worth they gather with their labour?
Would you invest in populations that consistently do not learn from past mistakes, practice self-destructing behaviour and cannot guarantee any return-on-investment?

Try to picture the mass changes when evolving from mass democrazy to enforcement of responsibilities.
Imagine the earth-shaking shift from Idealism From a Distance straight into a system where hypocrisy is not possible.
We have plenty of problems to deal with in the real world. The solution is NOT more Idealists.

Realists: these populations are inferior.
Idealists: how dare you say such things! nobody votes the way you think!
Realists: we've just changed the system - now you automatically invest in the policy you vote for, and the fortunes of your savings is linked to the populations you invest in - if this idealism is so fantastic, then you should have no problem investing all of your earnings into our "equals"
Idealists: ...


Avoiding Wrong Assumtions

Idealist fanatic: We are all the same!
Realist tribunal: So, you are saying that you are the same as the worst civilization-destroying barbarian? Ok, take this Idealist away. Next!

One of the Idealist mental errors is: others think/feel the same way I do.
Being even a little realist, one can perceive that there are people who are great solvers of problems, and there are nett creators of problems. This in itself indicates that there are differences in thinking, empathy and productivity. Even more, when one asks oneself whether one could do the things others do, one realises that people's thoughts and feelings differ as vastly as their actions.
The more advanced a civilization is, the more Idealists can exist that make such mental errors. They can exist because the society around them insulates them from harsh reality. A reality such as the fact that when problem makers start to outnumber the problem solvers, the civilization starts to crumble. Preventing a collapse is blocked by the Idealists, who see problem makers and problem solvers as equal, and attack anyone who sees the truth.

The next level of Idealist wrong assumption is believing that people can be changed purely by outside forces, and that mind, instincts, genes and consciousness do not matter. Idealists throw massive amounts of money, religion, education and compassion at populations who do not meet their expectations, and blame anyone but themselves and nature for the inescapable failure of their Idealism.
Simple realist systems of reasoning explain and can improve just about everything. You drop assumptions and dogmas, gather relevant data, match patterns, and conduct small and then larger experiments in a conservative fashion until things improve.
Idealists still want to throw this out in favour of systems of reasoning that can explain almost nothing. Systems that can only exist by suppressing free thought and protecting its true believers from the effects of their theories. Deep inside, Idealists do not really want to improve the world by being more realist, because a world without large-scale suffering is a world without Idealism.

The ultimate type of assumption is probably anything that quacks like a dogma/taboo and walks like a dogma/taboo. Idealists are left with little to cling to when faced with the hard to navigate chaos of nature and reality. Imagine the fear of an Idealists who has been accustomed to the mental equivalent of chanting the same Idealist mantra over and over in one spot, changing to the multidimensional space of infinite possibilities. Realist reasoning does for Idealist systems what the atom bomb did for warfare. Realists use words to ruthlessly destroy institutions, peace of mind, and false beliefs. Idealists beg for mercy or make threats when truth is uttered, or dots are connected. The choice we all have to make is: would I risk my money, time and energy on assumptions that can only withstand scrutiny by controlling all speech and though?

So: don't assume. Look at reality the way it IS, not the way your mental filters paint it based on axioms. Try not to thoughtstop too much, and look for the reasons things evolved the way they did, and the reasons some things are said and other things are taboo.

Idealist: It would be so nice if [Ideal]
Realist: Yeah, but that has never been, that is not, that is impossible and you destroy what IS if you pursue it.
Idealist: Yeah, but it FEELS nice to BELIEVE in it.


Recognizing Patterns

Realist: Hey, I see a pattern.
Idealist: How dare you!

Lots of people have intelligence or skill in some narrow domain, but when it comes to practical politics, recognizing patterns in groups of people and seeing beyond the what-you-see-is-what-you-get, they're on the level of one celled organisms, seeing only the mask.

One of the dark sides of visualization is the shrinking ability to simply READ written information, follow references, summarize correctly, and prove/falsify claims with symbolic logic. Instead, the brains give up and let the slutty eyes take in visual data that has little info value and implicit visual clues that do not pass scrutiny but go directly into the subconsciousness.

So let's look at a little pattern for once.

Idealists want to apply principles in very specific ways that benefit only their grouping. Idealists insult and intimidate. Realists give in to their demands and threats. Idealists take over society and start breaking things down. A few realists start a new society somewhere else. The Idealist society collapses. Some Idealists escape. These come across the now prospering realist enclave. The realists are of course happy to let them in and give them food and shelter. After a while, Idealists insist on abstract principles that only benefit their grouping.

Everyone acts and speaks out of self-interest.
Accept that self-interest is natural, and work to make general interest a larger factor.
Keep an eye out for groups who proclaim unnatural Idealism that seems to be devoid of self-interest at first, but on inquiry turns out to be extreme self-interest that NEEDS to MASQUERADE as idealism. The masquerade is put up to hide criminal intentions and to get others to serve those intentions.
Those who demand that others sacrifice their self-interest are hypocrites that demand your suicide. Those who sacrifice their own self-interest have been hypnotized by Idealism or are suicidal. Grown up, civilized people come to the negotiating table where most self-interests are negotiated on.

Idealists put on ideological make-up to mask their (subconscious) materialistic, selfish group interests. Realists develop character, learn a profession, and build society up. Idealists take over by soft of hard methods, and then run everything into the ground.
Idealist priesthoods love the idea of collapsing civilization to a base level where they can sacrifice hapless subjects on an (dis)assembly line altar on the top of a jungle temple. The law of the jungle indeed. Idealist oligarchies love thoughtpolice states where anyone doubting the official line is "taken care of", and where any spoken or written word is either a lie or meaningless. Idealist love to use Magic Words to instill false hope, fear or fervor into people, so that they will have minions, subjects, slaves or brethren. They just love to dominate other people. They are freaks.
Idealists love to destroy any REAL ideal and hope for a better tomorrow, and collapse everything to a brute level of existence, where they can arrest development, and never have to deal with freedom, choice and responsibility on a cosmic scale.
Who is afraid of reality? Who is afraid of facts? Who is afraid of logical patterns? Realists ask what the purpose of life is. Idealists come across the question as to the meaning of life, are frightened to death by it, pull an Ideal over their eyes, and repeat an Idealist dogma. Realists ask "why?" and keep on asking that. Idealists come up with an Ideal and shove it down everyone's throat until civilization collapses or they get overthrown.
Do you see a pattern? The negative cycle of trying to achieve impossible Ideals, causing destruction, then taking on a the mantle of a new Ideal, and repeating.

Realist comprehension skills are not a luxury, they are more essential to a good society and the preservation and advancement of civilization than 90% of other skills. The scarce resource in our world is NOT raw material. It is also not DATA. The scarce resource is intelligence that is able to understand the patterns of physical reality, abstractions that fit reality, and the behaviour of groups of people through time. This because of the overwhelming immediacy of normal life, and the self-censorship, thoughtstop and supression of pattern analysis when it comes to political, religious and general ideological power. Asking "why is this information being produced", "who benefits from this", "why are questions/opinions supressed" is a rare quality. That can yeld massive results. Let's just say infinite benefits.

Realists: Could you please stop doing that?
Idealists: What? Why?
Realists: You are really hurting us. Please stop trying to engineer society to fit your Ideal.
Idealists: No! All must conform to the Great Ideal! All must bow down before the altar of The Ideal. Have you never heard of our very good reasons for Idealism?
Realists: Yes, we have read the works of Idealism. But you are hurting us. Please stop!
Idealists: We find your lack of faith disturbing. You must worship the Ideal no matter what the costs!
Realists: Au!

Dogooders Do Evil

Idealist sect 582: Let's torture people, in order that we may save their souls.
Idealist sect 230: Let's enslave people, to establish the supremacy of our tribe.
Idealist sect 783: Let's starve people, to show the superiority of our economists.
Realists: Let's do none of that. Instead, let's cautiously improve on things.
Idealists in chorus: You have no Ideals!

Anything can be justified. Many evils cannot exist for long if they are seen for what they are. They NEED idealism to exist. Minimize idealism and everything will be looked at for what it IS, instead of what it might represent in the abstract, that is, what it IS NOT.

The highway to hell is paved with Ideals. Hell, when it is not primal barbarism bereft of any system, is negative cycles of suffering kept on by Idealists. Idealists gloss over evil acts, reiterating their belief that it is all for the common good, that repeated failures do not mean that the Ideal might not one day miraculously work, that the Ideal was hijacked, misinterpreted, applied incorrectly, applied to extremely, not applied enough, etc.

What realists want is perhaps somewhat egoistic, but is in the end reasonable and the right order of things.
What Idealists want is so abhorrent, that they must say they want something very different.
Realists declare and demand their preference. Idealists declare universalism, then use that cover to impose their preference.

Idealists will proclaim with a straight face the truth and justice of an Ideology that has caused immense pain. They will glow with the certainty of absolute faith in a belief structure that has been used to justify inflicting suffering and been used to promote destructive actions, and not for a moment smell the contradiction.
Idealists put all of their eggs in one basket, and DEMAND THAT EVERYONE ELSE put THEIR eggs in the same basket. Then Idealists step into the basket and start stamping in the eggs. If anyone dares utter a word about it, they either say that you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, or, that those who object are anti-Idealist and therefor obviously evil.

Realists put their eggs in different baskets, leave some in nests, study some, and trade some. They check every once in a while which of their different choices for a system is doing well (for the time being), and maybe put some more eggs in the baskets that are doing well. They study short term effects and they keep an eye for long term effects. What they do not do is throw eggs at bystanders who point out that maybe one egg has a venomous snake in it.
Realists then have nice fried or boiled eggs, while the Idealists next door are starving. The Idealists then come either begging for eggs, stealing eggs, appealing to Ideals and distribution of (other people's) eggs, trading paper drawings (it's called fiat currency) for eggs, or just using physical violence to get hold of the damned eggs.
Which they then, of course, proceed to put in one basket and trample. Rinse and repeat.

Idealist: we should take guns away from people! Guns are bad! People with guns are evil!
Realist: we have split the country up into regions. The gun-free region has zero guns: the police will use Idealist arguments to deal with gangs, murderers and rapists. Bodyguards will use their cool sunglasses instead of weapons. The army will shout hard at any enemy. Security forces will... well, you get the point.
Many citizens that find adhering to the law challenging, and who are displeased with the police, are just dying to join you Idealists in the new gun-free region. Have fun!

Obliterating Isms

There is one, and only one truth. There is one, and only one reality. We cannot know all of truth/reality because of physical restrictions, but we must question Idealists that sell oversimplifications to masses who cannot deal with chaos/infinity/unknowns.

Let us identify and obliterate -isms.

Strikethrough non-(dis)provable blabla. Strikethrough appeals to universalist Ideals. Strikethrough hypocrisy. Strikethrough what is not said spontaneously, but premeditated (infomercials, propaganda, ideological traps). Strikethrough things that are not written because they are true, but because the powers in the shadows need to keep the ants all working for the hive masters.
What will be left will be reality, and realism. The only unfortunate thing is that the word realism ends in -ism, while it is the only non -ism.

Capital-ists Idealist reduce every entity, group, act, thought, etc. to 1 number-Idealism, money, and insist that anyone talking about biological, social, cultural, historical, ancestral value are extremists.

Democracy-ism pretends that if more people believe in an Ideal, that that Ideal magically becomes more real, that elected officials care for anything else than lobbies, votes and money, that voters are absolute Idealistic-minded individuals that vote on ideas, not on direct material benefits for their biological group.

Religion-ism proclaims that believers must unquestioningly unite around Magic Words, battle or convert unbelievers, and above all, submit material wealth and worldly power to the priest class.

Technology-ism Idealizes the benefits of technical material progress, and pretends that technicians are not human beings with flaws, and will work always 100% alert and logical, always with the best systems, completely without corruption, politics, laziness, stupidity or conflict.

Bureaucracy-ism pretends to create order by arbitrarily dividing people into those who will complicate simple things to the extreme and those who will submit and delegate simple things to those who will complicate them in order to justify their profession, wealth and power.

Let's identify and obliterate -isms at the breakfast table with family, at lunch with colleagues, and at afternoon picknicks with acquaintances. It saves us all a great deal of trouble and pain in the future.

Idealists Anonymous

Idealism really is like alcoholism. It feel really great, doesn't it, Idealists, to indulge in immature fantasies of "all people are equal", obliterate civilization, high culture, and good people, and then turn around and make any mention of truth against the law, and destroy people who speak the truth. Idealists are really an anomaly in the universe. To go against that which is real, not once, by mistake, but systematically, deliberately, again and again, without ever considering the nett effect of their actions.
It is a reasonable hypothesis to state that Idealists are damaged goods/mutilated souls, that are not ended, but seek to obliterate their own consciousness because they feel that their burden of reality is unbearable, and/or seek to destroy the social and cultural worth of others, in order to bring everything else to their (lower) level of consciousness.

Idealists are addicted to Ideals.
Idealists need their Ideals to achieve trance/bliss.
Idealists take refuge from harsh reality into simplistic Idealism, from which they lash out at anyone trying to get them out of their cave, and scream in unison to drown out the words of those who question their Ideal.
Idealists collect data that supports their Idealistic view on all things, and enact thoughtstop when encountering counter data. Of course, the chance of them encountering counter data is slim, because their Idealist brethren take care to suppress counter data. Idealists collect friends that affirm their Ideal, and run away from non-Idealists that ask uncomfortable questions. Idealists are drunk with their ideals, and can regurgitate without much thinking Ideology to defend their precious Ideal from evil facts and evil logical arguments. Idealists never find peace or enlightenment. Idealist are either in a trance that insulates from reality, or in the process of being disillusioned.

Realists look behind curtains to see how the show works. Idealists sit in the soft chairs and call for the realists to stop disturbing the show.
Idealists will repeat ad infinitum the Ideal that all are free in the Idealistic society, while at the same time persecuting, intimidating, hating, fearing, oppressing, hunting down, imprisoning anyone who asks uncomfortable questions.
Idealists are inherently funny, from a distance. They do not get it, and that makes it even funnier. Idealists go around in cycles of mutually reinforcing anti-realism, and pretend that they are going in a line forward. Realists sit on the other bank of the river of life and look at the Idealist circus.
Idealists Anonymous (IA) is a special group, to which belong all Idealist. No Idealist realizes that they belong to IA, and every Idealist is infuriated at the suggestion that they belong to IA. Idealists at IA give each other awards for being a great enforcer of the Ideal (because it really does NEED ENFORCING), denounce non-Idealists (for "connecting the dots"), ritually burn the books of heretics, and try to convert heathens to the Ideal.

Realists watch Idealists, have Idealist acquaintances, and have to deal with Idealists every day. Realists nod understandingly when Idealists grab the whole bottle of Ideal, and silently nod their head when Idealists demand that we hurt our civilization for the sake of an Ideal.

There is really very little realists can do for Idealists.
Addicted people have to be separated from the substance of their addiction.
Idealists have to be physically confronted with the full implications of the Ideal.
If someone says that "all people are equal", they must be forced to undergo the company of the most degenerate and barbaric "people".

No Cure No Pay

The advantages of realism: 1. it works.
The advantages of Idealism: 1. it feels nice at first, 2. the abstractness and universalism is beautiful, 3. when it fails, you can construct arguments that shift the blame onto realists: "the utopian egalitarian society failed because the realists specialists left to go to another, non-Idealistic country"

The one thing that scares the hell out of Idealists, ideologues, rulers, political groups and so on, is No Cure, No Pay. Or maybe even better: no cure, paying back with interest all funds, serving jail time and - this REALLY scares them - being held accountable to the policies they proposed for us all.

How many oligarchies have been held responsible for the NET EFFECTS of their policies? Logically, systematically, completely, publicly, in a just manner held to account.
Would you allow doctors to operate on you, doctors that do not take an oath to do no harm, have no professional discipline, and do not guarantee any treatment or cure? But you allow political correctness high priests to dictate Ideals the NET EFFECTS of which they are not held accountable for. You allow unaccountable political agents to feed at the troth of public wealth while implementing Ideals the NET EFFECTS of which they are not held accountable for. You refuse to pay the constructor that builds a slightly faulty wall, but you let the great Idealist destroyers of civilization get away with murder. Mass murder, slow or fast, premeditated or acted out in a Idealistic trance. It all has the same NET EFFECT.

An idealist reacts to reality with thoughtstop, fear, ridicule, aggression, hatred, violence, indoctrination and suicide. Idealist groups work hard at novel and improved ways of group suicide, be it by small things such as shutting up about something because it might offend, or in big ways such as marching off to slaughters named "The War To End All Wars". Can we get our money back if it doesn't turn out to end all wars? No? Ok, I'll just dig my own grave, oh I mean trench, join in in the mass group suicide, and write a note to my family that they should never question the motives of our beloved leaders.

Realists: Hey, your last Ideal wreaked havoc on us common people, what have you to say for yourself!?
Idealists: Ach, forget about that, we have a brand new Ideal for you. Better than all those old and outdated ones.
Realists: Will you vouch with your possessions and person for the validity of this Idealism?
Idealists: Ah... Why so cynical? Look at the bright colors.
Realist: Do you agree to paying back public funds if your Idealist policy fails?
Idealists: ...
Realist: Do you agree to be locked in prison if your Idealist policy cause large-scale destruction?
Idealists: I... don't really...
Realist: Do you agree to be put to death if your Idealist policy causes massive human suffering?
Idealists: Hey, you are not one of us Idealists!

Learn HOW to Think, not WHAT to Think

Idealist: I have here a fact that proves our Great Ideal.
Realist: That fact is not representative. Your Idealist brethren work to destroy anyone who brings facts to light that disprove you Ideal, and so the remaining publications naturally all support your Ideal. See here in this little known book for instance...
Idealist: Arrest the doubter and burn the books!

Many people do not base their thoughts on what reality really is, but on what those around them say. And guess what, those around them ALSO base their thoughts on what others around them say and feel. But that is NOT reality.
So if you were a group that wanted to dominate a pyramid-like society, would you help people learn rational, logical thinking, or would you emotionally mould everyone by showing them artificial "others" (actors) and fabricate opinions in that way?

Groups that tell you WHAT to think want you NOT to really think, but want to dominate you. Real teachers tell you HOW to think, and thereby liberate you. Mentioning facts is not dominating thought, it is intimidating those who mention facts that is domination. Training people to self-censor and practice doublethink is not real teaching, but enforcing the domination system. Idealists always demand absolutes, because Idealists cannot afford exceptions.
In many situations the abstract conflict between the Idealist and the realist can be seen. One could even call it the conflict between the Idealist and reality. So many times Idealists bash their heads against the wall, trying to change what always reverts to its natural state, trying to force the world into an unnatural state.

Teach a man WHAT to think and you are part of domination. Teach a man HOW to think and you give them choice and respect them having their own free will. We must do without dogmas and Ideals, not because they are not worthy, but because they are openings for manipulation. Realism is self-defense, self-preservation, self-interest.
It is time to become a realist. Not to give in, to surrender to the way things are, to give up, or to stop trying to improve things. None of that. Consider your situation. Do not use mental short-cuts that you think are your own. Some mental short-cuts have evolved in nature, but others are lethal constructs, injected into your mind by the manipulators.
If we want in our soul to survive, we must wake up. We must become realists. And then all else will flow naturally. Repeat after me: I will uncover some true fact that is hated by the dominators, and I will keep that fact alive within me and liberate others by propagating it, against the anti-reality enforcement superstructure.

Remove Magic Words From Vocabulary

Realists: You have 5 minutes to surrender your weapons.
Idealists: Or what!?!
Realists: Or we will use disarming logic and truth that will traumatize your brains.
Idealists: Ok, ok, we will give up our weapons, but don't say a word against our Ideals.

Would you give a Priest of Idealism money because they say that "God" wants YOU to give THEM money (and not the other way around)? Would you give your vote to a Politician of Idealism whom you do not know, and trust them without doubt because they utter the right (magic) words? Would you hit your back with a stick or a rope with iron painful thingies on it because someone wrote some magic words down that say that your "soul" is damned and corrupted and that "hell" awaits you and that we are all sinners and give the Priests of Magic Words land and money right now, you ignorant non-priest class person?!
Would you refrain from procreating yourself but give money, food and medicine to subhuman savage hordes so that they can multiply EVEN MORE because some professor says in wonderful Magic Words that we must repent for making more progress than the others, or we must have less children lest the world get overpopulated? Would you kill people who have never done you wrong, who look like you so much they could be your family, have the same hopes as you because a politician has denoted them with Magic Words as "The Enemy"?
Will you lie down on the ground in front of a tank-killing-machine and let it crush your body because they demand with truly powerful Magic Words that you never in any way resist their Ideal, doublethink brand, and surrender to them your freedom? Would you give your money, land and power to people who insist that you must do so this very instant because of some (unprovable) miracle, (sinful to doubt) revelation, (evil to disbelieve) prophecy, or (illegal to question) Book of Magic Words?
No? Countless people have gone before you, suffered enormously because of their choice, and then chosen again for basically the same thing, to suffer enormously again.

Idealists never learn. Idealists shut their eyes, shout that they see a Higher Reality than the plain facts around us, and walk into walls, repeatedly. And demand everyone else shut their eyes. Realists are always learning. Realists open their eyes, look around, and carefully try and find the door out of the Idealist insane asylum. The true purpose of life on this plane is to experience and learn all that we can. The false goal is to seek domination, stagnation and refuse to learn.

The words of realists are like wartime sirens, the words of Idealists like anthems. One serves to protect your ass from shrapnel, the other to hypnotize you into mass group death. Don't let Magic Words that refer to some abstract Higher Truth shut your eyes to the facts of the matter.

The Antidote to Hypocrisy

Idealists are high priests of Hypocrisy. They have temples to Hypocrisy, worship Hypocrisy, and persecute heretics against THEIR Hypocrisy established religion.
They espouse ideals that they will not subject themselves to. They say we must all do X, but they themselves go out of their way to not do X. They will never, ever admit they were wrong, and that their Idealistic domination caused great suffering. They cannot admit to having being wrong, because their Idealism is totally based on their primal dogma being the only valid Ideal, whatever consequent facts may show.

Don't let them get away with Hyper Hysterical Hypocrisy. Listen to what they say, study what they write, and confront them with their contradictions. Demand that they apply their principles to themselves, their family and their people.
Realists do not persecute, because they do not need to persecute. Realists need merely to point out the fallacies of Idealists and demand they they subject themselves to the effects of the policies they want to force OTHERS to endure in order to expose and isolate them.
Repeat after me: I challenge you to prove you really believe that.

At first, training to be more realist from a condition of severe Idealism is like emerging from the womb. One feels cold, without shelter, cries, has a link to assumptions cut and possibilities increase a million fold. My God, chaos, freedom, choices, responsibility!
But after a while of getting accustomed to thinking in a proper way, asking the right questions, recognizing patters in human group behavior and such dull technicalities, it becomes second nature.
It is at first easy to be Idealist and submit to Idealist demands, intimidation and doublethink in an Idealist controlled society. It is at first hard to acquire realist discipline, honesty and responsibility. The unstoppable immense forces of reality/nature make it ultimately easy to be a realist, and really hard to be an Idealist.
That is why truly free debate and research is almost always completely won by realists. Idealists both know and refuse to know this, instinctively feeling that it undermines their domination, and therefor go for psychological (soft) warfare or physical (hard) warfare against heretics to the fashionable Great Hypocrisy of the time.

Idealist: Do as I say, not as I do.
Realist: Do what you say.
Idealist: No, I have X reasons for not doing that.
Realist: Of course you do.

Idealist: You MUST believe this.
Realist: Prove it.
Idealist: Burn the unbeliever!

The Human Property of Doublethink

A Realist is born once and dies once. An Idealist is born and reborn with every brainwashing cycle, and dies every day that he ignores what is true. If you ignore what is true, you are killing yourself.

Humans have the inescapable property of doublethink. If humans would not posses doublethink, they would not be able to kill animals for food, which is acting in favor of (their own) life, and against (other) life. Without doublethink, we would procreate too little, because we would weigh the pros and cons of giving our energy and time up and trading temporary pleasure for a future of crapping babies, sleepless nights and nagging womenfolk.
We would not be around if we would be able to contemplate and would contemplate the evils of existence, the implications of our actions, or the (seeming) meaninglessness of life.
Doublethink is in a measure necessary for mental health. Soberness is no fun, and bliss come from being safely enveloped in doublethink.

In fact, animals also practice double think, although it is not thought, but pure instinct. The primal doublethink is: I want to eat others, but no to be eaten myself. This is the primal hypocrisy of life. It is natural, because the more primitive a being, the more it is interested only in itself or only in its own kind, and is less able to imagine the emotions of another living being.

The primal doublethink is overcome by the fact that groups of animals/hunters are far more effective than any individual animal or hunter. This is shown even in the animal realm, where packs of hunters are extremely effective.

The problem with doublethink is the long-term destructive effect on any non-primitive civilization. Doublethink is nurtured and imposed in societies based on domination of many by the few. Doublethink is being able to see reality and do the necessary in order to survive or dominate, but say the opposite of what is real, in order for the central myth to keep existing (and by it, the justification for the rule of some).
The thing is that the useful aspects of double think are practiced by a small minority of specialists, and the negative effects are unconsciously practiced by the majority. This leads to the collapse of society and civilization, because truths essential to progress are ignored. Domination elites always tell themselves that they will be able to achieve a stable stagnation, with themselves on top. It turns out that civilizations can either progress or collapse, never really stagnate. This stems from certain truths about group dynamics.
One such truth, that any simple mind can understand, is that a civilization cannot endure if its intelligent and moral do not procreate, while its barely civilized massed procreate like there is no tomorrow (pun intended). Either the civilization will be conquered from outside, peacefully or violently, or it will collapse upon itself. This simple truth is of course hated and screamed against by Idealists, who on a level realize it is true, realize its implications, and realize that the power structure forbids this truth.

The cycle of progress-stagnation-collapse-progress goes on until doublethink is overcome, until the powers that seek pure domination without any long-term moral purpose are overthrown by those that realize the implications of the cycle.
The first societies to leave the scarcity principles behind that domination elites desperately NEED break the negative cycle. These new societies are able to make such insanely fast progress that societies still within the cycle are left far behind (and of course viciously attack the new society with everything they have in order to keep the old power structure).
History should be a path of linear progress. It is a negative cycle progress-stagnation-collapse-progress. The domination elites that keep the cycle going, running civilizations into the ground demand that all believe in linear progress. Those who realize what the situation is and what must be done act to bring about linear progress by pointing out the negative cycle. The cosmic spectacle of doublethink is pretty awesome, don't you think?

The scarcity mindset is a primitive trait that is shown as false and unnecessary by the true wonders of progress. Computer chip technology is able to do more calculation, transmission and storage with less matter and energy at an INCREASING RATE. The manipulation of minuscule genes is able to affect an IMMENSELY LARGER biological universe. A tiny mathematical elite is able to prove truths that VASTLY improve the efficiency and effectiveness of countless technologies all over the world. We have seen progress in the last few hundred years that dwarf before ages, and have the Domination Elites of Doublethink scared to death. They are scared to death because they cannot exist in the spiritual mindset of true progress. They would have to change and sacrifice their power, but they have locked themselves into a doublethink/scarcity consensus trance without possibility of change in order to dominate negative cycle societies. Oops!

Only The Net Effect Counts

Realist: but this policy will do evil.
Idealist: yes, but it will be good in an abstract sense!

Please don't believe these words. These words are not meant to replace your own experience or emotions with some faith/ideology/dogma. They are meant to obliterate idealism, that is the falsehood that seeks to subjugate sentient life to a few corrupt life forms through parasite methods. The prime method of enslavement is by mental domination. If you suffer from thoughtstop, doublethink, demoralization or dogmatic thinking, than this antidote might be just the thing for you.

The first step to realism is doing away with what does not exist.

Do not be distracted by the multitude of appearances. Train your skill at deduction. Strip away non-essential aspects of what you are studying, asking hard questions at every layer of truth, until you reach the end result: seeing the nett effect of things.

Put no faith in words. Judge only by the NET EFFECT of actions. If a policy leads to destruction, it is a destructive policy, no matter intentions. Those who still defend a policy that has been proven over a long period to be destructive need to be regarded as either idiots or part of a conspiracy.

Before accepting some Ideal, research all views on it to find out what its recurring net effect is. The words Ideal, Idealism and so on are capitalized to signify the Idealists' claim on absolute submission to their dogma, and thereby, to their power. Idealists cannot stand plain facts that speak against their Ideal. They cannot allow criticism of their Ideals, cannot allow counter-arguments to their claims. This is because they are weak and pathetic beings that seek to dominate others in order to steal their energy, and because the vast segment of ideas are easily proven false, once free discussion takes place.

Net Effect. It is so obvious people do not realize it. It doesn't matter what they SAY. It only matters what they DO. It doesn't matter what ideal or formalism or mysticism they propose. The only thing that matters is what they DO, and what they have consistently DONE.
When an Idealist says to you: I am doing this for your own good, they are going to inflict serious pain on you. When and Idealist starts speaking in a priestly voice about the Gods while holding a ceremonial knife, run, because they are about to start human sacrifices. When an Idealist explains how spreading the wealth around will benefit society, they are referring to giving away OTHER PEOPLES wealth, not their own. When Idealists speak loudly of brotherhood, freedom and equality, they mean a terror-autocracy that kills possible opponents.

A next step is to deduce what is normally hidden. When faced with Idealist preaching such as "all peoples and cultures are equal", it is in the beginning difficult to detect how destructive the result of attempting to implement their Ideals will be, such as the downfall of civilization.
To get a better view, suppose that their goal IS the downfall of civilization. What would their actions be if their goal was the downfall of civilization, and they wanted to succeed and not be stopped half-way because their plan was discovered? Would their actions and words be EXACTLY the same?
We are not rational and knowledgeable enough to know when a group is manipulating us towards our doom, but we are smart enough to view things according to their nett effect, and thus preempt or stop subversion.

Ideals are justifications for material profit, conquest and domination. We human beings have a mental weakness for Ideals because the hordes, parasites and oligarchies of past ages consistently mass-murdered populations that did not submit to their domination. Those that were left were the ones with higher susceptibility to Idealism.
Idealist True Believers do not even understand realists' search for facts and asking of questions. To an Idealist congregation/mob, realists are "obsessed" with coming up with facts that dispute the party line. Idealists are identifiable by their surprise and speechlessness at people who come up with little annoying facts.

There are as many opinions and Ideals as there are people, therefore the wise look not to words, but to the one reality, which is net effect. The goal of a group's actions is the consistent nett effect of those actions, NOT any words/ideas/ideals/abstract concepts. What they BELIEVE is irrelevant, what the nett effect of their actions is is paramount.

Judging by NETT EFFECT is the only way to understand in a world of immense propaganda, insinuation, manipulation, falsification, false flag ops, the big lie, and basically as many opinions as there are people. There is no other viable way of grasping the patterns, reasons, complexity and interdependence of the world. Any other way depends on some set of assumptions or even false logic. Most other ways fail to explain, if enough questions are asked as to why something happened or was done.
There is also almost nothing that can be done against Realism attack along the lines of Nett Effect questioning. That is why it is not taught or presented in schools, because the schools tell you WHAT you are supposed to think, not HOW to triage reality, because the purpose is control, not enlightenment.

One cannot understand wich side is good until one sees the real result, the nett effect of it winning. What side is right cannot be decided on the basis of IDEAS, but is decided on the basis of which produces the most beautiful women, the most beautiful architecture, the most beautiful music and painting, the best dishes, the happiest and most advancing civilization. Those that obstruct you judging what is good by the nett effect of the experience, esthetics and atmosphere of the resulting society are YOUR MORTAL ENEMY.

Reality Be Damned

To define realism, it serves to look at the opposite: Idealism. A look inside the mentality of those who have fallen victim the mind-virus of anti-reality and anti-nature can be instructive. If you instantly recognize the described basic thoughts, and at the same time vehemently deny them to yourself, becoming angry at those who understand you... you are mentally ill and an Idealist.

Here is your mirror:

Our Ideal is good. Our Ideal is the highest Ideal of all. Our Ideal has not burnt people alive. Our ideals has not mutilated or tortured people. Our Ideal has never led to the murder of hundreds of millions of people. In fact, ALL other ideals are false and evil. Anyone who believes other Ideals must be crushed. Our Idealism never hurts anyone. Anything done in the name of our power structure, that is Ideal, is done for the greater good. All must be forced to live by our Ideal, no one may live according to other principles. Anyone can be absolved of all that has been before if they accept our Ideal. All Idealists are cleansed of any guilty if they submit to our Ideal. In fact, no Idealist have ever done anything evil, and those who say otherwise are evil doubters.

Realists are evil. Realists say things that evil people have said. Do not listen to the words of realists, because they will infect your mind and damn your soul by asking uncomfortable questions. Do not allow unbelievers to put forth arguments, for they ultimately mean to do evil. Questioning our Ideal is evil. Realists have never done any good. Realists have never invented anything. Realists have never built anything. Realist have never taught anything. All good comes from our Ideal. ALL heretics are ALL guilty of ALL evil we say some of them have done. If a realist questions the Ideal, then that realist is guilty of ALL evils done by ALL non-Idealists across time, and also guilty of ALL POSSIBLE evil that might ever be done by anyone in the future.

All praise our Ideal! All submit themselves before our Idealist oligarchy! All doubters be damned forever to the pits of unbelief! All truth be damned!

Doesn't ring a bell yet? Let's try that again, a little more specific:

Belief in equality is the highest virtue. Equality is the highest principle, above freedom, progress or existence. Egalitarians have not burnt people alive. Egalitarianism has not mutilated or tortured people. Egalitarian movements has never led to the murder of hundreds of millions of people. In fact, ALL other ideals that do not adhere 100% to egalitarianism are criminal. Anyone who want self-determination, freedom of association or discriminates between what they prefer and what they do not must be crushed. Egalitarianism never hurts anyone. Anything done in the name of our power structure, that is in the name of egalitarianism, is done for the greater good. All must be forced to live by egalitarian principles; no one may live according to other principles. Individuals, families, communities, schools, companies, countries that do not adhere to egalitarianism must be obliterated by any means. Anyone can be absolved of all that has been before if they accept the gospel of equality. All egalitarian believers are cleansed of any guilty if they submit to our new order. In fact, no egalitarians have ever implemented policies that degenerate the human condition, and those who say otherwise are heretics and must be hunted down and destroyed.

Realists are politically incorrect. Realists say things that those whom we have deemed heretics have said. Do not listen to the words of realists, because they will infect your mind and damn your soul by asking heretical questions. Do not allow realists to put forth arguments, for they ultimately mean to do evil. Questioning egalitarianism is beyond the pale. Those who do not believe in equality have never done any good. They are stuck in the thinking of past centuries. They only want to exploit others. They are bigoted, prejudiced and small-minded. Everyone knows that all progress comes from egalitarianism. ALL heretics are ALL guilty of ALL evil we say heretics have done. If a realist questions egalitarianism, then that realist is guilty of ALL evils done by ALL unbelievers across time, and also guilty of ALL POSSIBLE evil that might ever be done by anyone in the future.

All praise egalitarianism! All must adhere to egalitarian principles and governance! All heretics be damned forever for their unacceptable extremism! The principle of equality is more important that any real thing!

Of course, the cherry on the cake is that egalitarians almost always only want "equality" to be forced upon OTHERS. They themselves all want to live with the most civilized, productive, beautiful, wealthy and secure people. They want OTHERS to be drowned in an ocean of bestial subhumanity.
Idealism is a WEAPON. It is used to destroy other people and at the same time APPEAR highly moral. If you want to fight the destructive mind-virus of Idealism in others, you must first recognize it and kill it in yourself. Kill your inner Idealist!