
Reality is Taboo

Why is it that primitive tribes have taboos? Is it perhaps because not being able to deal with reality makes the primitives fear and hate reality, and naturally forbid talk about difficult aspects of reality? Do they refuse to face truth because they are aware at some level that they are to weak to face reality? Is that the ancestral psychological core of Idealism: making things taboo?

Making things taboo just happens to be the perfect way to shield a criminal conspiracy from discovery, criticism, identification and erradication. So it should be highly suspicious when forces within a society actively maintain or instill taboos for select subjects, while not working at all to instill taboos for countless other comparable subjects.
So that is perhaps why a criminal system might nurture Idealists: these pose less danger to it, as they seem to not be able to speak the truth, and auto-stop their thoughts when crimethink is detected.

Idealists have a lower level of consciousness. They cannot differentiate between:
1 opinion and fact: to Idealists, an OPINION is instantly UNIVERSAL FACT, to which everyone must bow or be destroyed
2 criticism and attack: to Idealists, arguments against their Ideal are equal to physical attack. To no be able to discriminate between the real (physical, mathematical falsifiable model of reality) and the NOT real (non-provable ideals) defines the mentality of the Idealist.

Play around in you head with the links between taboo, Idealism and parasitism. The moment you start seeing the parasite-by-idealism, its mindhijacking starts to fissure.

To conclude, consider some correlations:

integrity = being integer = being whole = not being corrupt / open to manipulation
Idealists = wide-open to manipulation through abstract concepts that invert, corrupt and destroy reality

Idealism = unrealistic "modern art" + abstract (non-real) impossible concepts + anti-nature laws + reality warping propaganda = destruction of what IS at the altar of WHAT IS NOT

egalitarianism = entropy = death worship = anti-existence