
Wake Up From Your Spiritual Sleep Of Death

realist: You're in a box.
Idealist: I don't believe you.
realist: Move your hand and feel the box wall.
Idealist: No!
realist: Well then, open your eyes and look.
Idealist: No!
realist:  So, you really want to sit still with eyes closed so that you are not confronted with the problem of being in the box.
Idealist: Your ideas are dangerous.
realist: Just open your eyes a bit.
Idealist: No!

Let me be very clear about this.
We are on this planet in order to learn, experience and expand our consciousness. This can only be done by searching for truth. You can only do this by relentlessly facing reality. If you ignore what is true, you are committing suicide slowly. Denying reality makes it worse.
Physical life is finite, and the only way it can have purpose is if somehow consciousness is not the same as material existence, and the spiritual can exist separate of mortality.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense sees this. There are two ways to deal with this realization and unknown. One is to grasp at whatever can be grasped in this life by whatever means. The other is to place the bet on the unknown, but of infinite higher potential value.
And again, there is almost nothing to be learn from un-reality. All the resources that can serve the spiritual struggle are gathered from what IS, from what has been. This immediately discounts most people. Most people believe the first thing they read, or what the authorities tell them, or what peers teach them. Most people have thoughtstop mental mechanisms that cannot be overcome by any amount of proof, logic or emotion, once entrenched. You don't want to be with "most people".
The upwards path of the mind is your only chance at anything that is not fleeting. You either want that or you don't. Don't kill yourself by ignoring truth. Take care of your spirit by finding and keeping the light of truth. It can really set you FREE, and that is what higher consciousness is about.