Basic emotions first, rational thought second.
Human nature is such that we base everything upon our basic emotions. This is very useful in a primitive natural environment, where something that tastes bad is unhealthy, where a growling beast activates our base aggressive instincts, and a happy wife and baby makes us feel at peace and successful.
In a complex, global civilization, things are a bit different. Our feelings are often times not our own, but the implanted artificial conditioned reflexes that make us atomized individuals who will obey, work and not ask the right questions.
We are blocked from higher rationale, and most remain slaves to implanted feelings. It is not possible to reach any sizable percentage of such sheeple by facts and logic alone. They will simply not listen, or even if they listen, the situation will be like oil and water.
Even if the system did not brainwash everyone they could, the method of awakening is still emotions first, rational though second. Almost no one on the planet is a blank slate with a true thirst for truth, gathering up an array of different views, studying all of them from a neutral viewpoint, and then picking the most true one. Everyone starts off from some set of basic emotions, and THEN FINDS THE RATIONALE THAT JUSTIFIES THEM.
Naturally hedonist people will never adhere to traditional working class wisdom. Charismatic personalities will never feel content with mass (media) democracy. Subversive, parasitical individuals will never feel at peace accepting what a healthy society has to offer and do their part.
So the question arises, how ARE people to be awakened to realism by emotion. There is not one simple answer. The method is through full-spectrum reaching out. Every mode of conveying emotion is useful, because it reaches certain individuals with certain basic emotions.
Some listen to messages of glory, honor, bravery. They will adapt their views and logic to adhere to that which can broadcast its alpha-status in the greatest way.
Some are emotionally bound to messages of compassion, of togetherness, of social approval, charity and wholeness. They will always choose the social average as against elite excellence.
The medium is the message. One can bombard the masses with condensed memes, aiming for the "hundreth monkey" effect. One can write long, complex analysis papers that will only be read by the intellectual elite, and change only the neural networks of those who can affect true change. Or one can implement policies that forces everyone to live out the choices they think are theirs, and learn the error of their ways the hard way.
Whatever path is chosen, always it is useful for the cause of realism to minimize noise. Clear minds can go much further than those burdened with the mundane, those that put apparent social approval before asking the right questions, and those addicted and high on Ideals.
With effort and strategy the proper emotions can be addressed, and in time almost everyone will awaken to realism. Awaken to the reality of group rights and group responsibilities, the impossibility and undesirability of basing everything is society on "equality", on the necessity of eugenetics, and the possible future that lies in wait for a humanity that lives long lives, learns everything that is to learn, and breaks out of the historical cycles that have buried countless civilizations under the soil we walk on.