
Beyond Isms

Idealist: I'm OFFENDED by aspect bla bla of reality
Realist: If reality offends you than that says a lot about you ;)
Idealist: I'm offended!!!!

There are different kinds of calm. There is the bliss of ignorance, when all one experiences is one's immediate surroundings. There is also the serenity we reach by understanding the cosmic mechanics of biological-historical cycles. How the upwards path of evolution and the destructive rebellion against nature cannot be changed.
This calm is achieved after the rage at destructiveness, injustice, and abuse has been gone through. When one understands that the destroyers of civilization do what they do because of genetics one stops trying to put the lightning of individual free will in a bottle, and switches to group "weather control". As clearly as a mechanic sees engine parts one begins to see in human group interactions the parameters of nature and consciousness. And what is better in the long run becomes obvious.

Realism is reaching this higher level. One no longer needs the crutches of Idealisms to simplify the world. One can cease having arguments that waste mental energy, and start real change in the material world and our understanding of it. One can start becoming the real nobility of serving that which is highest whether it is within or outside you.
This transcendence is infinitely more worth than attempting to engage Idealists in discussion. Idealists are always trying to change the subject, attack the messenger, base everything on faulty premises, and even presenting gems such as "I don't want to talk about it". Of course they don't. Idealist methods of dealing with reality amount to always trying to bottle lightning. This frustrates them, as they never reach their goal of a better world through Ideals such as "equality". Such unrealistic demands always destroy society and civilization, yet Idealists never see clearly what is going on.

Those who are caught up in "isms" never have the calm and vision required to see the vast patterns of nature. Once one sees the patterns, ADMITS the patterns to oneself, one is granted a sort of super-human vision into all kinds of past situations, and can even predict future ones. To Idealists this seems like magic. It is just statistics. But unfiltered analysis of facts, just pure and simple looking at facts and AFTERWARDS drawing up a system is too boring for Idealists. They prefer concocting some glorious, artificial IDEAL theory in the ivory tower of their fevered minds, and then FORCING reality to adhere to it. And then rage at reality when it of course does not fit.

So, if you want real calm, deconstruct the mind-parasites such as "equality", and search for the raw facts of the world. Be your own teacher. Do not follow Idealist demagogues who demand that you and everyone believe in this Ideal up there somewhere, but then ask that you give them money and power, and demand that you never look at any other source of information (not very calm of them).

We are going to need solid and calm thinkers and doers to rebuild everything after Idealists destroy this civilization with their rage against nature's blessings. And we are going to build a much better civilization, one that will have PERMANENT ANTI-BODIES to defend against Idealist parasitism. These counter-measures are not going to be sophisticated. They are going to be very simple: any and all who comes up with some Ideal is going to be forced to undergo the REAL, NETT EFFECTS of that Ideal. Like having to live as an individual among the "noble" savages they think are our equals. Problem solved.