
Us, Not Isms

Idealist: Why are you pro yourself?!?

This is an absurd question, yet it is the implicit question asked every day by all that follow Idealist narratives.
We are NOT pro-ourselves because of IQ, ideology, "culture", metaphysics or whatever. We are pro-ourselves because WE ARE US. Isms do not concern us. Our existence and excellence is what defines us, what makes us real, not abstractions.
We are not pro- some IDEA. We are pro- our SELVES. If being pro-one's own group is a crime, then everyone is a criminal.
Any other argument can be questioned, refuted or turned against us. We are in favour of our biological group because WE WANT TO EXIST. We will not accept non-existence. We will do anything to prevent extinction. And we will never stop. We will never surrender our consciousness to any power or Ideal.
And we accept that others are pro-themselves.
It is not us who are extremists, it is those who want to blend us out of existence. We need not justify our position, those who attack us must defend their position. And we WILL treat any questioning of our right TO EXISTS as an attack against all of us.

We are what we are, not what is imagined. Identity trumps ideology. We are genetics, tribe, sex, war, life, death, ecstasy, pain, tranquility, territory, dominion, god, anti-god. We are WE, not some Idea. When someone appeals to some Idea, and demands that you put the Idea above life, they are mocking your reality.
Do not sell out that of infinite value in exchange for Idealist praise, no matter the argument. We ask: is it good for US? Is it good for our generation and our descendants?

So what is the weapon against attacks against existence by Idealist mind-weapons? It is realism and the nett-effect triage of information. Why?
Because in the modern world of full-spectrum 24/7 propaganda, obfuscation, spin, magic words and emotional terror anyone's individual intellect is powerless. Only a weaponized mind can prune away the facade of ideology and determine how things really stand.
How? By asking what the nett effect is. By destroying what is destroying us: the false Idealism that warps understanding of reality, and paves the way yet another downwards path of genetic, social, moral, cultural and civilizational degeneration.
Opinions, talking points, and media generally are produced in such vast amounts that it is impossible to form a total picture by actually studying all the info. Becoming a specialist in a very narrow spectrum is dangerous because it means being an idiot in all other fields. Moreover, much of the political, social and cultural info is produced with the INTENT to make it near impossible to come to a correct analysis on the basis of actual true premises and correct logic. The noise-to-signal ratio kills pattern recognition.
So we are forced to apply drastic measures: eliminate all unfalsifiable vague claims (Idealism), and look at the consistent end result, instead of verbose theory.
Why this is different? Because it puts the most important FIRST, not LAST, as Idealist parasitism demands. Putting the actual nett effect of, let's say Abrahamistic Monotheism first allows us to form a clear view on the consistent extremely negative effects: the degeneration of genetic health through mob rule by the lowest types (anti true elitism), the retardation of civilization by the deliberate destruction of scientific, philosophical and social written works, the physical torture and murder of individuals and sometimes even whole communities who might pose a threat to the Idealist mind virus, the reducing to an animal state of the mind by the enforcement of false magic words: devil, chosen, heretics, unbelievers, heathens, pagans.
This is not a luxury, or a mental exercise. It is essential for survival. The forces that seek to dominate other peoples are also very much of the realist type, only they use Idealist methods such as the engineering of emotional reflexes, consensus trance, magic words, and so on to dominate the minds of others. Taking the facade of Idealist wordism at face value is akin to trying to read, analyze and annotate the writing of some revolutionary movement, while they are getting ready to shoot you in the head.

What is the goal of realism? Our survival. Survival is dependent on certain resources. The basic natural resource is TERRITORY. Without exclusive territory, it is very difficult for a group to exist long-term.
We have enough means to materially prevail over any adversary on this planet. But we have fallen victim to MIND WEAPONS. We have been paralyzed and turned against ourselves by appeals to our empathy, by claims of equality, by Idealism, wordism and supposed universality. We have failed to fend this attack off because it is not something plain and visible, like a gun or a factory. We have spent time working and building, while the enemy has brainwashed our generations into HATING THEIR OWN KIN.
It is long overdue for us to pick up the pieces of our declining civilization, focus until total victory on the goal and not the side-effects, and win the mind war. Winning the material war will follow naturally out of our awakening.
So our goal is: our awakening, so that our kind will survive.

For the world to live, Idealism must perish.