Avoiding the prepackaged, preprocessed. When you shop for food, you want fresh items that have only one ingredient. That is, items that have not been regurgitated by some industrial processor, and/or contain mystery ingredients that serve the producers' mercantile goals or worse, political goals of weakening the population.
And so it is with ideas and terminology. You should be wary adopt preprocessed terms that predetermine thought, emotion and moral judgement because they are not produced for your benefit. They are produced the benefit of someone else, and for your domination by these others. In the best scenario, people arrive at the same conclusion or definition or rule independently as opposed to the enforced conformity of prepackaged terminology. When two or more minds reach the same point by their own reason, the result is far more certain. It is true with greater probability.
When thought and emotion are IMPOSED, the truth of what is stated cannot be ascertained. Even more, what is stated/imposed is probably NOT true, or even: the truth is the opposite of the imposed. If this is not the case, then imposing has no purpose, for imposing anything costs lots of energy, and letting people reach their own conclusions is cheap. Basically free.
So, a term like "Equality" is enforced, and everyone MUST say they believe in it, and indeed MUST belly-feel it, and this domination-imposing is done because THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. If equality were natural/true, it would need absolutely zero enforcement. One does not enforce through legal persecution, financial constraints and organization indoctrination the belief that there is gravity, or that illiteracy is bad, or that the sky is blue.