The only progress is progress in the eugenetic and spiritual elevation of people. All other forms of progress are fundamentally false and will stagnate or collapse eventually.
This means that any theory of societal improvement, any system of minimal of maximal government, any set of rights, constitution or religion has value in regards to its advancement of eugenetics and spiritual growth.
Technocratic approaches that pretend to improve humanity by "gadgets" while totally ignoring genetical value of people is doomed to fail. Organized religions that focus exclusively on belief, ritual, collectivism and such while ignoring the biological reality of genetics are doomed to fail. Democratic systems that worship the whims of majorities that are manipulated by market-dominant minorities through media, education, politics and social pressure are doomed to fail because of their self-enforcing loop that ignores both the eugenetic and the spiritual. Idealistic aristocratic systems where tiny minorities live in ivory towers with no real experience of the lives of the majority are doomed to be overthrown by outside forces leading the masses against them, the outcome of which is loss of the concentrated progress.
The only way forward is by acknowledging the reality of both biological (genetical) and spiritual differences, by discriminating between that which serves progress and that which stagnates, and increasing the useful aspects of populations.
This is never mentioned in "mainstream" sources. Instead, what is promoted as "progress" is actually a march towards an animal humanity, a countdown to barbarism.