
Gateway Idealism

The way Idealists and their parasite manipulators like to destroy civilization seldomly goes full-Monty in the first phase. It starts with little things, with gateway Ideals. Genocide starts with modern art. Physical destruction starts with introducing the concept of relativity, by pointing out that some things are not absolute in some ways, then the ridiculing of ancestors, history, human nature, nationality, and ultimately... the logical conclusion to that.
If you hope that the logical conclusion to obliterating the past, obliterating the present art, science and craft is a happy future of equality, fraternity and freedom, you have not been paying attention, for the past 100,000 years. Destroying your past is a first step to destroying your future, that is... you and your gene.
But we can do absolutely nothing to stop this while enemies are inside the gates, Idealists who will open the gates to the barbarians because "all people are equal". Idealists who will stand by, their hearts alight with the divine joy of abstract beauty, while our sisters and daughters are physically and emotionally obliterated by the subhuman horde. Idealists who will, from some Ivory Tower somewhere, make up a theatre play maybe, about how some noble subhuman somewhere was falsely accused of unimaginable crimes, and how all those who do not 100% adhere to Idealist dogma are of course false accusers, conspiracy nuts, bigots and the most immoral of all people.

When you have deconstructed everything from your Idealist ivory tower you will fall, and become a realist.
I have told you the truth. Now you have no choice but to follow the realist path to the conclusion, or to destroy yourself by anti-reality.