
Cheap Realism

Q: To which argument should white blood cells surrender to bacteria and viruses?
A: They should never surrender, no matter the information attacks of invading parasites.

Sometimes you might hear "that's so cheap", or "that is soooo simplistic". The ones saying that NEVER pay the costs of Idealism with their own sweat, blood and tears. They want OTHERS to pay for their Ideals, to throw pearls of advanced culture, technology and civilization before the entire world. And when the receiving masses of this Idealism return to their natural state, you are not allowed to mention this, because that is cheap and simplistic.

Everything has a cost. Everyone has limited time and energy. Things that are "free" are always paid for by someone. Therefor "free" may be an expensive way to spend YOUR time. Realism is cheap. Idealism has a very high cost, one that we cannot afford. So here are a few "cheap realities":

An Idealist gets angry with you when you tell them a truth.
A realist gives you that thinking, working-class look.

There are NO sound ideologies that contradict reality.

Those who seek to control what can be said need to do so to hide transgressions.

Most things are not said or written because they are true or relevant. They are said and written to serve some power.

The innocent scream 'Why?' when dragged away by thought police.
The guilty scream 'You are heretics!!!' when uncovered by truth seekers.

A true democrat accepts to be destroyed by the majority that votes to do so.

A true pacifist accepts to be destroyed if resistance may involve violence.

What is an Idealist? A person whom no amount of facts, evidence and reason will persuade.

When perverts, parasites and traitors rule, the word 'normal' becomes OFFENSIVE.

Almost all information is produced by the rulers of the present in order to control the present and future. There is NO pure entertainment, religion or documentary that is not in the service of a faction. Everything is political.

There are no books in libraries or bookshops that offer relevant truth as to human nature and history. There are no studies on real political science. There are no workshops on secrets. There are no scholarships for amateur revolutionaries.

Emotions don't "know" the difference between reality and fantasy. That is why Idealism hooks into emotions. Realism is just looking at what IS, and whether a thing or a relation is relevant or not. Idealists and reason don't go together because reason discerns between what is real and not, what is possible and not, and what is ultimately good or not.

Idealists "win" arguments by forbidding all other arguments, that is, admitting that they are wrong and replacing truth with force. That is how one can know when a group has unpleasant intentions: they sabotage free discussion by forbidding the arguments that defeat them.

We play a game. It is called life. You die, you lose. You downgrade your genes, you lose. You keep on improving you gene pool, you score. You surpass others in the race for eugenetic victory, you score. You achieve immortality and technological zenith, you win.