Q: To which argument should white blood cells surrender to bacteria and viruses?
A: They should never surrender, no matter the information attacks of invading parasites.
Sometimes you might hear "that's so cheap", or "that is soooo simplistic". The ones saying that NEVER pay the costs of Idealism with their own sweat, blood and tears. They want OTHERS to pay for their Ideals, to throw pearls of advanced culture, technology and civilization before the entire world. And when the receiving masses of this Idealism return to their natural state, you are not allowed to mention this, because that is cheap and simplistic.
Everything has a cost. Everyone has limited time and energy. Things that are "free" are always paid for by someone. Therefor "free" may be an expensive way to spend YOUR time. Realism is cheap. Idealism has a very high cost, one that we cannot afford. So here are a few "cheap realities":
An Idealist gets angry with you when you tell them a truth.
A realist gives you that thinking, working-class look.
There are NO sound ideologies that contradict reality.
Those who seek to control what can be said need to do so to hide transgressions.
Most things are not said or written because they are true or relevant. They are said and written to serve some power.
The innocent scream 'Why?' when dragged away by thought police.
The guilty scream 'You are heretics!!!' when uncovered by truth seekers.
A true democrat accepts to be destroyed by the majority that votes to do so.
A true pacifist accepts to be destroyed if resistance may involve violence.
What is an Idealist? A person whom no amount of facts, evidence and reason will persuade.
When perverts, parasites and traitors rule, the word 'normal' becomes OFFENSIVE.
Almost all information is produced by the rulers of the present in order to control the present and future. There is NO pure entertainment, religion or documentary that is not in the service of a faction. Everything is political.
There are no books in libraries or bookshops that offer relevant truth as to human nature and history. There are no studies on real political science. There are no workshops on secrets. There are no scholarships for amateur revolutionaries.
Emotions don't "know" the difference between reality and fantasy. That is why Idealism hooks into emotions. Realism is just looking at what IS, and whether a thing or a relation is relevant or not. Idealists and reason don't go together because reason discerns between what is real and not, what is possible and not, and what is ultimately good or not.
Idealists "win" arguments by forbidding all other arguments, that is, admitting that they are wrong and replacing truth with force. That is how one can know when a group has unpleasant intentions: they sabotage free discussion by forbidding the arguments that defeat them.
We play a game. It is called life. You die, you lose. You downgrade your genes, you lose. You keep on improving you gene pool, you score. You surpass others in the race for eugenetic victory, you score. You achieve immortality and technological zenith, you win.
Money is Dirty, Work Ennobles
You are able to read this with eye light organs because of real biology, not some abstract model of light refraction. Everyone exists (or dies) because of biology, not abstractions. Would you rather have the idea of clean water, or clean water? Would you rather breathe real air, or think of the IDEA of air as you suffocate?
So do we.
Primary, real things like duty, labour, sacrifice, achievement often clash with abstract representations of reality, like currency, because abstractions lend themselves to manipulation and are the domain of those who seek to dominate instead of producing or being of service.
Money is an abstraction that is necessary between the prehistoric age and the coming new age. It opens up society to such an extreme amount of overpowering manipulation that it is in the top ten lubricants of evil. Every bribe by dark forces of journalists, crime investigators, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. is possible by money. Every enslaving system of artificial inflation, boom-bust cycles, bankrupting of individuals, families and whole nations is possible by the manipulation of this non-thing. It is not a REAL thing, therefor it enables evil. But do not fret, it will go away just as it came: naturally. When the new order comes, abstract currency will be irrelevant, because EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO TRUST ONE ANOTHER.
The evil of money is just a secondary thing, used to shackle humans of high value, to hijack nations, to throw peoples into destitution. But this is all good, because we are here to learn. And learn we will, through struggle, about the nobility of serving others through real production and service, versus the tyranny of Ideals imposed by hyppocrites. We must go through this phase, this in-between time, to reach the next phase.
We must learn why real trust is such a worthy thing, such a beautiful thing, such a NECESSARY thing. The lack of trust does not indicate a bad ENVIRONMENT, but bad "human" raw material. Nothing will ever improve before we learn that lesson. Those who do not learn will keep going on in the predatory cycle that so many pretend not to see, because they do not want to acknowledge the underlying currents, because these underlying currents of reality destroy their childish Ideals of equality, harmony and stability (stagnation).
We either go forward and upward, of we cycle down into collapse. No middle ground. No compromises.
Idealist: but if the Idealist system is all that corrupt, than why doesn't anyone change it or set up a better system, Mr smart realist?!
Realist: because a vast amount of people react like you do, with mind-stop and personal attacks, persecuting anyone who wants to improve it or set up another, independent, system.
So do we.
Primary, real things like duty, labour, sacrifice, achievement often clash with abstract representations of reality, like currency, because abstractions lend themselves to manipulation and are the domain of those who seek to dominate instead of producing or being of service.
Money is an abstraction that is necessary between the prehistoric age and the coming new age. It opens up society to such an extreme amount of overpowering manipulation that it is in the top ten lubricants of evil. Every bribe by dark forces of journalists, crime investigators, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. is possible by money. Every enslaving system of artificial inflation, boom-bust cycles, bankrupting of individuals, families and whole nations is possible by the manipulation of this non-thing. It is not a REAL thing, therefor it enables evil. But do not fret, it will go away just as it came: naturally. When the new order comes, abstract currency will be irrelevant, because EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO TRUST ONE ANOTHER.
The evil of money is just a secondary thing, used to shackle humans of high value, to hijack nations, to throw peoples into destitution. But this is all good, because we are here to learn. And learn we will, through struggle, about the nobility of serving others through real production and service, versus the tyranny of Ideals imposed by hyppocrites. We must go through this phase, this in-between time, to reach the next phase.
We must learn why real trust is such a worthy thing, such a beautiful thing, such a NECESSARY thing. The lack of trust does not indicate a bad ENVIRONMENT, but bad "human" raw material. Nothing will ever improve before we learn that lesson. Those who do not learn will keep going on in the predatory cycle that so many pretend not to see, because they do not want to acknowledge the underlying currents, because these underlying currents of reality destroy their childish Ideals of equality, harmony and stability (stagnation).
We either go forward and upward, of we cycle down into collapse. No middle ground. No compromises.
Idealist: but if the Idealist system is all that corrupt, than why doesn't anyone change it or set up a better system, Mr smart realist?!
Realist: because a vast amount of people react like you do, with mind-stop and personal attacks, persecuting anyone who wants to improve it or set up another, independent, system.
Realist Triage
In a situation where a medic is responsible for many (combat) casualties, the medic has to be able to perform triage. One cannot spend an hour studying one patient that in the end cannot be saved while a hundred that could be saved die. One has to quickly assess and make choices as to what is to be done.
In the intellectual/political sphere, a triage of ideas, opinions, assumptions and logic is an absolute necessity. One cannot go around believing what people say at face value. One certainly cannot take anything organisations put out at face value. One needs to be able to "skip the bullshit".
Not being able to do this, from some mental or emotional handicap such as naivete or the "true believer" syndrome, renders one invalid in the sphere of ideas.
Being invalid in this manner renders one a slave of those who manipulate emotions, cultural narratives, social norms etc.
Being slave in such a way has very serious, physical consequences.
Thus: being able to perform realist triage is vastly more important than discipline at studying or training.
One should have a "head's up display" dissecting the nett effect of anything one encounters.
The alternative to this triage is subjugation and ultimately destruction of the consciousness and physical by those forces that use Ideals to parasite off of those who create.
Some examples of realist triage:
The paranoid/cynic position: almost every individual has a different opinion. Even when people agree with one another, if asked enough questions, you can get them to disagree.
Therefor, one should base analysis almost completely on induction based on hard, physical evidence, almost to the exclusion of opinions. If anything, what is allowed to be said, published and the allowed official opinions in a society are the inverse of what is actually the case.
The conspiratorial view of history: almost every public figure of great power has to be some type of actor or double. Every powerful person would have enemies that would try to eliminate him. When someone really wants to kill you, they will succeed. So, either the person is assassinated sooner or later, or is not the real holder of power, but a puppet.
Almost every piece of information that is officially published is either irrelevant or a fabrication. True information that is relevant would be relevant because of what it would reveal about a powerful group, and these would prevent any author, journalist, publisher or seller to disseminate such information.
Almost every important historical shift is caused by groups, not by individuals. Always be suspicious of historical interpretation that overemphasizes individuals and their character. History is the sum of collective emergent features, and the personal dimension is used to mask this. Everything revolves around the energy of groups, and leading individuals are only the sparks, and they themselves emerge out of their respective groups.
Determining whether it is worth your time talking to someone, eg. are they rational people with experience and logic, or brainwashed sheep that parrot what the controllers of society have told them is THE RIGHT OPINION.
This can be determined by watching for signs of anti-intellectualism promoted as 'cool': oversimplification of arguments and brutalisation of discussion to the level that everything is an Ad Hominem attack.
The other extreme is the fantasy/unrealistic consideration of every possible utterance as worthy of attention, thereby muddying the water and making understanding impossible.
In the intellectual/political sphere, a triage of ideas, opinions, assumptions and logic is an absolute necessity. One cannot go around believing what people say at face value. One certainly cannot take anything organisations put out at face value. One needs to be able to "skip the bullshit".
Not being able to do this, from some mental or emotional handicap such as naivete or the "true believer" syndrome, renders one invalid in the sphere of ideas.
Being invalid in this manner renders one a slave of those who manipulate emotions, cultural narratives, social norms etc.
Being slave in such a way has very serious, physical consequences.
Thus: being able to perform realist triage is vastly more important than discipline at studying or training.
One should have a "head's up display" dissecting the nett effect of anything one encounters.
The alternative to this triage is subjugation and ultimately destruction of the consciousness and physical by those forces that use Ideals to parasite off of those who create.
Some examples of realist triage:
The paranoid/cynic position: almost every individual has a different opinion. Even when people agree with one another, if asked enough questions, you can get them to disagree.
Therefor, one should base analysis almost completely on induction based on hard, physical evidence, almost to the exclusion of opinions. If anything, what is allowed to be said, published and the allowed official opinions in a society are the inverse of what is actually the case.
The conspiratorial view of history: almost every public figure of great power has to be some type of actor or double. Every powerful person would have enemies that would try to eliminate him. When someone really wants to kill you, they will succeed. So, either the person is assassinated sooner or later, or is not the real holder of power, but a puppet.
Almost every piece of information that is officially published is either irrelevant or a fabrication. True information that is relevant would be relevant because of what it would reveal about a powerful group, and these would prevent any author, journalist, publisher or seller to disseminate such information.
Almost every important historical shift is caused by groups, not by individuals. Always be suspicious of historical interpretation that overemphasizes individuals and their character. History is the sum of collective emergent features, and the personal dimension is used to mask this. Everything revolves around the energy of groups, and leading individuals are only the sparks, and they themselves emerge out of their respective groups.
Determining whether it is worth your time talking to someone, eg. are they rational people with experience and logic, or brainwashed sheep that parrot what the controllers of society have told them is THE RIGHT OPINION.
This can be determined by watching for signs of anti-intellectualism promoted as 'cool': oversimplification of arguments and brutalisation of discussion to the level that everything is an Ad Hominem attack.
The other extreme is the fantasy/unrealistic consideration of every possible utterance as worthy of attention, thereby muddying the water and making understanding impossible.
Gateway Idealism
The way Idealists and their parasite manipulators like to destroy civilization seldomly goes full-Monty in the first phase. It starts with little things, with gateway Ideals. Genocide starts with modern art. Physical destruction starts with introducing the concept of relativity, by pointing out that some things are not absolute in some ways, then the ridiculing of ancestors, history, human nature, nationality, and ultimately... the logical conclusion to that.
If you hope that the logical conclusion to obliterating the past, obliterating the present art, science and craft is a happy future of equality, fraternity and freedom, you have not been paying attention, for the past 100,000 years. Destroying your past is a first step to destroying your future, that is... you and your gene.
But we can do absolutely nothing to stop this while enemies are inside the gates, Idealists who will open the gates to the barbarians because "all people are equal". Idealists who will stand by, their hearts alight with the divine joy of abstract beauty, while our sisters and daughters are physically and emotionally obliterated by the subhuman horde. Idealists who will, from some Ivory Tower somewhere, make up a theatre play maybe, about how some noble subhuman somewhere was falsely accused of unimaginable crimes, and how all those who do not 100% adhere to Idealist dogma are of course false accusers, conspiracy nuts, bigots and the most immoral of all people.
When you have deconstructed everything from your Idealist ivory tower you will fall, and become a realist.
I have told you the truth. Now you have no choice but to follow the realist path to the conclusion, or to destroy yourself by anti-reality.
If you hope that the logical conclusion to obliterating the past, obliterating the present art, science and craft is a happy future of equality, fraternity and freedom, you have not been paying attention, for the past 100,000 years. Destroying your past is a first step to destroying your future, that is... you and your gene.
But we can do absolutely nothing to stop this while enemies are inside the gates, Idealists who will open the gates to the barbarians because "all people are equal". Idealists who will stand by, their hearts alight with the divine joy of abstract beauty, while our sisters and daughters are physically and emotionally obliterated by the subhuman horde. Idealists who will, from some Ivory Tower somewhere, make up a theatre play maybe, about how some noble subhuman somewhere was falsely accused of unimaginable crimes, and how all those who do not 100% adhere to Idealist dogma are of course false accusers, conspiracy nuts, bigots and the most immoral of all people.
When you have deconstructed everything from your Idealist ivory tower you will fall, and become a realist.
I have told you the truth. Now you have no choice but to follow the realist path to the conclusion, or to destroy yourself by anti-reality.
Countdown to Barbarism
The only progress is progress in the eugenetic and spiritual elevation of people. All other forms of progress are fundamentally false and will stagnate or collapse eventually.
This means that any theory of societal improvement, any system of minimal of maximal government, any set of rights, constitution or religion has value in regards to its advancement of eugenetics and spiritual growth.
Technocratic approaches that pretend to improve humanity by "gadgets" while totally ignoring genetical value of people is doomed to fail. Organized religions that focus exclusively on belief, ritual, collectivism and such while ignoring the biological reality of genetics are doomed to fail. Democratic systems that worship the whims of majorities that are manipulated by market-dominant minorities through media, education, politics and social pressure are doomed to fail because of their self-enforcing loop that ignores both the eugenetic and the spiritual. Idealistic aristocratic systems where tiny minorities live in ivory towers with no real experience of the lives of the majority are doomed to be overthrown by outside forces leading the masses against them, the outcome of which is loss of the concentrated progress.
The only way forward is by acknowledging the reality of both biological (genetical) and spiritual differences, by discriminating between that which serves progress and that which stagnates, and increasing the useful aspects of populations.
This is never mentioned in "mainstream" sources. Instead, what is promoted as "progress" is actually a march towards an animal humanity, a countdown to barbarism.
This means that any theory of societal improvement, any system of minimal of maximal government, any set of rights, constitution or religion has value in regards to its advancement of eugenetics and spiritual growth.
Technocratic approaches that pretend to improve humanity by "gadgets" while totally ignoring genetical value of people is doomed to fail. Organized religions that focus exclusively on belief, ritual, collectivism and such while ignoring the biological reality of genetics are doomed to fail. Democratic systems that worship the whims of majorities that are manipulated by market-dominant minorities through media, education, politics and social pressure are doomed to fail because of their self-enforcing loop that ignores both the eugenetic and the spiritual. Idealistic aristocratic systems where tiny minorities live in ivory towers with no real experience of the lives of the majority are doomed to be overthrown by outside forces leading the masses against them, the outcome of which is loss of the concentrated progress.
The only way forward is by acknowledging the reality of both biological (genetical) and spiritual differences, by discriminating between that which serves progress and that which stagnates, and increasing the useful aspects of populations.
This is never mentioned in "mainstream" sources. Instead, what is promoted as "progress" is actually a march towards an animal humanity, a countdown to barbarism.
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